Section: Software


Participants : Christian Fournier, Christophe Pradal, Frédéric Boudon, Christophe Godin.

Other participants : Bruno Andrieu, Michael Chelle, Gaetan Louarn, Benoit de Solan, Mariem Abichou, Liqi Han, Elmer Ccopa-Rivera, Frederic Baret, Rafaele Casa, Youcef Mammeri, Didier Combes, Camille Chambon, Romain Barillot, Pierre Huynh, Jean-Christophe Soulie, Delphine Luquet.

The aim of this Action Ciblée Incitative of INRA is to constitute a consortium of modelers from INRA around the OpenAlea platform, and to integrate various ecophysiological models of simulation in OpenAlea (radiative transfer, interaction between plant and pest, circulation of hydric fluxes, and dispersion). The project includes 3 INRA teams and the INRIA Virtual Plants project.

Different components have been integrated into the OpenAlea platform:

  • Alinea.Adel is a module to simulate the 3D architectural development of gramineous crops.

  • Alinea.Caribu is a modeling suite for lighting 3D virtual scenes, especially designed for the illumination of virtual plant canopies such as virtual crop fields. It uses a special algorithm, the nested radiosity, that allows for a precise estimation of light absorption at the level of small canopy elements.

  • Alinea.TopVine is a component to reconstruct grapevine canopy structure.

  • Ecomeristem is a crop growth, eco-physiological model that was designed for rice (model plant for cereals) to account for plant morphogenesis and its plasticity depending on genetic potential and sensitivity to the environment (water, temperature, radiation).

  • Alinea.Nema is a module used for modeling of nitrogen dynamics between leaves.

  • MAppleT is a FSPM model of an apple tree taking into account stochastic models for the topological development, a biomechanical model for branch bending, physiological laws as well as light interception.

  • M2A3PC is a generic model to simulate spread of a pathogen on a growing plant like vine/powdery mildew and apple tree/apple scab.

In 2011, several research group from INRA and CIRAD have worked together on reconstruction and simulation of plant development for different species of gramineous such as rice, wheat, maïze and other species like vine, rose or apple tree.